Jika ada perkara BAIK yang ingin kita KONGSI kan...kenapa tidak kongsikan dengan rakan dan taulan ? tepuk dada tanya HATI..
1. Testimoni : Nama : Lee Ah Ying Umur 49 , Taman Miharja , KL.
Saya adalah pengidap kencing manis yang serius, Jari-jari kaki mengalami luka-luka dan seolah-olah hendak patah. Saya terpaksa diangkat untuk ke mana-mana kerana tidak mampu berjalan lagi. Setelah diperkenalkan oleh rakan , saya mencuba P17-5 biji sekali selama 3 kali sehari , CELLRENEW 8 titik sekali untuk 2 kali sehari dan juga menyembur CELLRENEW di sekitar kaki saya.
Setelah kering saya menyapunya dengan Gel Gamat, Saya mendapati setelah menyapu dengan Gel Gamat selama seminggu saya dapati luka dikaki saya sudah tidak busuk lagi. Tiga minggu kemudian lukanya semakin kering dan bertambah baik.
2. Nama : Mr Chieu Ah Onn , 63 Tahun , Tanjung Malim Perak
Saya mengalami penyakit kencing manis yang membimbangkan. Pada bulan November 2003 yang lalu, saya telah menjalani pembedahan untuk memotong ibu jari kaki saya. Selama 3 bulan setengah selepas pembedahan itu , lukanya masih tidak sembuh dan amat merisaukan saya.
Akhirnya pada bulan Februari 2004 , saya telah diperkenalkan dengan 2 produk NACO yang baik .Saya telah mencuba P17 Probio Food , 5 biji sekali makan untuk 2 kali sehari dan CELLRENEW 8 titik sekali 3 kali sehari. Saya begitu gembira kerana lukanya kering dan telah sembuh setelah mengamalkannya selama sebulan.
Lagi TESTIMONI di www.rahsiacellrenew.blogspot.com
Dear Cell-Renew,I used the Cell-Renew myself since the day I received the samples (almost a month now). After 2 weeks, I noticed that my skin texture is much better. The aging freckles on my hands become lighter and no shedding of old skin. After 3 weeks, I noticed that my hands' biceps muscles are much fuller and harder. I am continuing to take it to see what other symptoms will appear. I have taken the other Cell product that you sold for a few months last year but did not notice any noticeable effect.HW,Singapore
3. Dear Sirs,
I believe in the power of good supplements and have been using them for well over 30 years. Some of these supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbal) have proven beneficial over time, and others have definitely not lived up to all the ‘hype’ thrown out there when advertised. A few months ago, I was introduced to Cell Renew, and asked to note how it made me feel. I was not given any literature as to what Cell Renew might do, and I really didn't know what to expect. The biggest surprise was an immediate clearing of my sinuses. I have been struggling with allergies, which seem to keep me in a semi-stopped up state. The most enduring effect noticed from Cell Renew has been a notable increase in energy, which seems to be cumulative. So, I decided to experiment and lay off of Cell Renew for a few days. Well, the energy level decrease was not evident until about the 3rd day without Cell Renew, and needless to say…at my age (which is 57)…I decided not to spend one more day dragging around when I didn't have to. What's even better is that Cell Renew is good for you and perfectly safe. For my money, it’s a win-win situation!!EAS, Nashville, TN
4. Your reminder to use the Cell Renew has been a great help the way I feel. Am putting the 10 drops in fluid every morning and wow what a difference in my well being. Before was just using 2 or 3 drops and that is not enough to make a difference. Now I feel stronger emotionally and physically, have a better outlook on life again. Am finishing up the bottle and then will need more. Must have been missing a lot in my system. Thank you for suggesting this.
……………………………………………………………Have a nice day,HH, California ==========
5. To whom it may concern,I would like to share the results that I have experienced since taking “Cell Renew” 3 times a day. I definitely feel better all around. I have tried everything that has come along over the past 25 or so years & the Cell Renew is the most noticeable thing I've ever taken!I have double the energy & a much calmer mind with better mental clarity. I am a concert level pianist of over 40 years & I can tell you the state of my mental functions by using difficult piano passages and seeing what level of effort it takes – If I can play it at all. Well, I can play my toughest music effortlessly since I've been taking these amazing minerals.Thanks so much,G K,California
6. Dear Sirs:This is a testimonial on the Water Rescue (Human form is Cell Renew) that we have been using on animals for the past nine months.We have seen a vast improvement in the overall health of the animals. This includes brighter eyes, improved hair coats, increase consumption in feed, consistent weight gains, decrease or elimination of drugs and artificial growth promotents, improved conception rates, faster days to market, and elimination of disease toxicity in the animal.We enjoy the safety this product offers. While we recommend mixing this product @ the rate of 5,000 to 1 gallon of product. We have had times when due to customer error it was mixed @ a rate of 100 to 1 gallon of product without any ill effects.Not only do we enjoy the improvement in overall health we also are in an area with high iron and other minerals in the water supplies. This causes extreme deposits in the water lines and growth of moss and black manganese in water tanks. This has been completely eliminated with water lines clean and water tanks clear to the bottom. In water test we have cut black manganese to half of what it had been. In addition Coliform bacteria, which was as high as 200-cfu/100 ml has been eliminated. pH of the water usually at 8 to 9 can be drop consistently by at least 1 to 1.6 points.Our opinion is that Water Rescue is going to change the livestock industry worldwide in the next ten years.Best RegardsDS, Iowa
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